policy add on

If you need to cancel your trip before your scheduled departure, or your trip is interrupted while you’re already on vacation, Trip Cancellation & Trip Insurance reimburses for non-refundable unused prepaid travel arrangements that can’t be recovered from another source.

With covered risks, including medical conditions related to COVID-19, quarantining, pregnancy, job loss, or a death in the family, Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption protects the financial investment you’ve made on your trip. And if you’re looking for the flexibility to cancel for any reason, TuGo also offers an optional Cancel for Any Reason add-on.

Here’s how Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption Insurance has you covered:

Unexpected illness, injury and/or death of:

You and your family members
Your travelling companion and their family members
Your business partner, employer, key employee or caregiver
Your host at your travel destination
Your friend

For Reasons related to:

A medical condition related to COVID-19
Quarantine and self-isolation for you or your travelling companion
A travel advisory
Schedule change
Cancelled flight or tour
Natural disaster or unforeseeable event that makes your home uninhabitable or business inoperable
Travel visa denial
Job loss or job transfer

If you’re looking for a more economical option, you may want to read more about Trip Interruption Insurance, which is available as a stand-alone option.